First Baptism

Oi tudo bem?!

It was a great last week of the transfer. Yesterday, we had my first baptism and Elder M.’s last!!! The other Elders in our ward had 3 baptisms in addition to ours at the same time. We baptized B, the girl I mentioned last week who´s mother didn´t want to allow it. Her mother realized how bad she really wanted to be baptized, so she allowed it! She is a super firm girl and is progressing super fast in the gospel. After the baptism, we went over to a member´s home for lunch.  My CTM instructor and her family were also there!

Yesterday, I found out I would be transferred. I will be working in another small town with Elder F.  The town has a small branch and is even further in the interior.

Here are some pictures of a fun communication activity that we did in district meeting. I was blindfolded and one person was designated to shout directions. Except, there were also tons of other people shouting false directions. I had to listen for the correct voice to guide me. It´s a great object lesson because in life we always have so many voices telling us what to do and so many people telling us to do the wrong thing. We must tune everyone else out except the good voice, the Spirit.  (The other picture is my Zone from this last transfer.)


P1020435 3This Friday, Elder L. Whitney Clayton of the Seventy will be coming to São Paulo for a special missionary devotional. It is for the entire mission plus the São Paulo East Mission.

Have an excellent week!

Love Elder Olsen