Packages and Ping-pong

We had two more baptisms this week!! Pedro and Emerson. The baptism was very special because they both had all of their family there. Pedro´s two sisters have baptism dates marked for next Sunday. Our zone broke the record for baptisms last month, 35. This is the third consecutive month that the zone broke the record. Elder Benites and I are now baptizing 4 weeks consecutive and will keep the streak going!

Elder Benites received a giant heavy package full of food from his mom. We had to carry it up a huge hill and over 2 miles to the house from the train. One of the members had a mini Halloween party for us and made all the food with a Halloween theme. Also, we are teaching a few kids that made a ping pong table in the front of their house. It takes up the whole yard. It´s always fun when we go to visit them!

Lots of miracles are happening everyday. It´s very easy to see the Lord’s hand in your day, you just have to look! Thanks for everything!


Elder Olsen

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