General Conference

General Conference was so good!  Before my mission, I never really paid too much attention to General Conference. When I was younger, to me, General Conference meant being able to sleep in longer and sitting comfortably at home as we watched Conference on TV.  But now as a missionary, after the 10 hours of Conference I watched, I didn´t want it to end!! It´s such a blessing we have to receive counsel from the Church leaders to guide us in the world today.

We watched conference in 3 different places because we were all over the place last weekend. We watched it at 2 different church buildings in different cities and once at a member´s house. Thankfully we were able to watch in English each time! Except when Ulisses Soares (native Portuguese speaker) came on, we all ran to the chapel so we could listen to him in Portuguese and not hear the English voice-over haha.

One of my favorite talks was by Wilford W. Anderson.  I loved the analogy Elder Anderson made about dancing to the music. It´s funny when you pull up next to someone at a stop light and they are dancing, because you can´t hear the music. That´s just like us as Latter-Day Saints; people don´t understand why we do things and make fun of us because they can´t hear the music that we hear. Super cleaver analogy that´s so true! I also liked the talk by Elder Bednar on Saturday afternoon about Fear.  I noticed that several speakers talked about how important it is to always pray to recognize the Lord´s hand in your life and to trust that He is guiding you and will bless you. I could just talk about every talk they were so good!! I can´t wait to go back and read them again.

It has cooled down here a bit, but mainly just at night. It´s chilly enough to use a blanket, now. Last week I bought a blanket to use.

While on a division this past week, Elder G. and I found a 15 year old girl knocking on doors. She is very interested in the gospel, but has lots of questions we need to answer first.

Our English class is pretty fun. There are a couple of young girls who are like 10 that always come and the rest are usually other random ward members. We just teach random topics that we can think of on the spot. There is another kid that we teach in his house, though. He is picking up English really fast.


Elder Olsen