Follow the Prophet

I am grateful I was able to hear the words of our Prophet and Apostles in General Conference last week! The world is constantly changing and becoming more and more wicked, just as prophets of old have prophesied. And for this, we need to follow the prophet because he receives revelation for our current day and age. There are so many people in the world who don´t know that God has a prophet on the Earth right now. Heavenly Father always has a prophet on the Earth in every dispensation, that´s just how He works. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

People don´t understand us “Mormons” and why we do what we do. Just like the guy you pull up next to in the car who is dancing and singing, we definitely appear strange to the world. And why? Because they don´t hear our “music.”  And what is our “music”?  It´s knowing that we have the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and know exactly what we´re doing here on Earth.

As a missionary, it´s sad when people reject you. Not because of the fact that you are being rejected, but because of the fact that those who reject you are missing out on so much happiness and blessings in their lives. Sometimes I say to myself “You don´t even know…” because so many people are just wandering in unbelief and without the truth. I´m so glad to know that I have the truth in my life and can share it with others here in Brazil!

I love you all!

Elder Olsen